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Watch Me Eat the Things!

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Ok people can we stop talking about masks for a second PLEASE!

Some of you know me. Most of you do not. I’m James Fuqua. I’m 6’1, 38 years old, I hold the official record for being youngest man alive, and I make a mean omelette. I also have a foodie review blog. It’s been doing pretty well. So well, in fact, that someone made the exceedingly questionable decision to make ME the official foodie reviewer for The Rockwall Times. It’s a big responsibility, but one I take on with enthusiasm and aplomb.

My foodie reviews are honest, straightforward, and sillier than they have any right to be. I also will ONLY post reviews of restaurants that I actually liked. If I review it, you know I enjoyed it and you might as well. The reason for this is simply because I only review places that are locally owned and operated. I don’t review big chains. These are just working stiffs like you and me and I’m not trying to screw over anyone’s business with a negative review. I want to keep things positive, and honestly we could use more positivity. What’s more positive than good food? A few things, but we’re not talking about those. We’re talking about FOOD!

I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes and if you have recommendations for restaurants in the area or own one that you’d like me to come check out, let me know! I will now attach a melange of photos from previous reviews.

You can also follow my “socials”, because that’s a thing now.
FB: OutOfHandReviews
IG: @jamesfuqua3550
Medium Blog: @jamesfuqua3000
Thank you. That is all. 🙋‍♂️

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