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Rallying Support for Ranchers

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In the heart of west Texas and Oklahoma, where the rugged terrain meets the endless skies, a crisis is unfolding. Ranchers, the stewards of these vast lands, are facing unprecedented challenges brought on by devastating wildfires. In the face of this adversity, one local man has stepped forward to rally support and offer a glimmer of hope to those in need.

Lee Wells, local rancher, a pillar of his community and a passionate advocate for those in distress has launched a fundraising initiative to aid ranchers in West Texas and Western Oklahoma. Through his efforts, Lee seeks to alleviate the burden on these hardworking individuals struggling to feed and care for their livestock in the aftermath of the wildfires.

“It’s an honor to help these men and women, my fellow ranchers.”

Lee Wells

A Rallying Cry

The rallying cry is simple: churches, pastors, feed store owners, and compassionate individuals, join hands to support these ranchers in their hour of need. A 501c3 is in place, to assure transparency and accountability in the handling of funds, ensuring that 100% of donations go directly towards purchasing feed for the animals.

The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated. Recent updates from the Texas Panhandle, where Gov. Greg Abbott described scenes of total destruction across multiple counties. The Smokehouse Creek Fire, the state’s largest wildfire, has already scorched over 1 million acres since it ignited earlier this week.

Fighting Fires

In response to this dire situation, firefighters working tirelessly in the Panhandle have made significant strides in containment efforts over the past 24 hours. However, the road to recovery remains long and arduous for ranchers who have lost everything to the merciless flames.

Lee exclaims seeing the harrowing images and hearing firsthand accounts from ranchers in the affected areas fills me with profound sorrow. It’s heart-wrenching to witness the devastation wrought by these wildfires, especially when they obliterate multi-generational family ranches. The despair and hopelessness that accompany such catastrophic loss are palpable, with reports of nervous breakdowns and even heart failure emerging from the sheer stress and anguish.

Immense Adversity

In the face of such immense adversity, the question arises: how can they ever hope to recover? The answer lies in the collective compassion and generosity of people like you and Lee. In moments like these, when our neighbors hundreds of miles away find themselves in dire need, we become their lifeline, their beacon of hope amidst the darkness. Though we may be safe in our own homes, untouched by the flames, our hearts are deeply moved by the plight of our fellow humans.

The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated. The demand for feed far outweighs the available supply. The Northeast Texas Farmer’s COOP is making feed available to the effort at cost. One load of all-purpose feed, essential for sustaining horses, cows, and goats costs $6,500 per truckload. Lee is coordinating transportation. Yet, this vital resource is in short supply, with ranchers facing the daunting task of keeping their animals nourished amidst the devastation. The goal is to send over 130,000 pounds of bulk feed over the next two weeks. There is a connection to several large ranches in desperate need.

Glimmer of Hope

But amidst the bleakness, there is a glimmer of hope. Wells’ tireless efforts have garnered support from the community, with donations pouring in to provide much-needed relief to the affected ranchers. From monetary contributions to donations of feed and supplies, every act of kindness serves as a beacon of hope for those grappling with loss and uncertainty.

The solidarity displayed by individuals in our community is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in times of crisis. Through unwavering commitment and compassion, hope embodies the spirit of community, inspiring others to lend a helping hand to those in need.

As the flames of destruction continue to ravage the land, let us stand together in solidarity with the ranchers of West Texas and Western Oklahoma. Let us heed the call of Lee Wells and extend a helping hand to our fellow neighbors in their time of need.


To donate or learn more about Lee Wells’ West Texas and West Oklahoma Fundraiser, email [email protected] visit (missions account), contribute via Zelle at 903-453-4190, or Venmo at @Lee-Wells-4. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference in the lives of those affected by this crisis.

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