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District Attorney Kenda Culpepper warns residents to beware of plumbing scams

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While frozen water pipes are bursting all over the area, Rockwall County District Attorney Kenda Culpepper is warning Rockwall County residents to beware of plumbing scam artists who will take your money up front and do little to no work.  

“We have seen this type of reprehensible behavior from crooked roofers during the hail storms of the last couple of years,” said Culpepper.  “Dishonest contractors can take advantage of your vulnerable position to scam you out of hundreds and thousands of dollars.”

Culpepper noted that independent contractors may start visiting residents’ doors or cold calling to ask if plumbing work is needed.  She says to ask questions, get a copy of their driver’s license and licensing and bonding credentials, get a contract in writing, and never pay a large amount of money up front.  Consumers can also check resources like the Better Business Bureau, area Chambers of Commerce, Angie’s List, etc. or ask for – and follow up on – reliable references.              

“We all want our houses fixed and life to go back to normal,” she said.  “Just don’t get taken in the process.”

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