Rockwall County, Texas – After the untimely death of Commissioner David Magness, Precinct 4, a huge void was left for Rockwall County. David’s dedication to his calling, friendly attitude, and comprehensive knowledge regarding transportation will be sorely missed.
County Judge David Sweet undertook a painstaking process to identify the ideal person to fill this job. Sweet commented, “The specific charge and challenge for me was to select a well-qualified, experienced and skilled candidate. I wanted an individual who was well known, with a proven track record of accomplishment and involvement. I wanted someone who was credible with an outstanding reputation. The successful candidate would have to adhere to my expected qualities of transparency, be able to communicate in such a way as to foster cooperation and was readily available to field concerns of our citizens. After interviews with several interested and qualified candidates, I am honored to announce the appointment of current Royse City Mayor Janet Nichol to fulfill the unexpired term of Commissioner Magness”.
Janet Nichol, a lifelong resident of precinct 4 and local business owner has a large and envious record of achievement evident in her twenty combined years of municipal service, the last half serving as Mayor. Mayor Nichol has a proven track record of stellar service. She effectively communicates with citizens utilizing a wide array of social media tools. She is very well regarded for her candor, creative problem solving and absolute transparency.
Mayor Nichol commented, after prayerful consideration, I have accepted the challenge to assume the role of Rockwall County Commissioner, Precinct 4, for the remainder of the term. I was hesitant. Hesitant because of my love for our city, my admiration for our staff and my pride in what is going on here. After a great deal of discussion and prayer, I have decided to accept this challenge in full recognition and anticipation of broadening the continued impact that we can have on our precinct from the Commissioner seat. This has been a very difficult decision for me due to my love for this city and its people. I look forward to working with the other cities within the precinct, getting to know them and will join them in trying to address their needs in a comprehensive manner. To say that I am honored to have been chosen would be an understatement.
Mayor Nichol will resign her current role as Mayor on January 28, 2021.
City Manager Carl Alsabrook, Royse City, added, “Mayor Nichol has been a tremendous asset for our community. She has helped build an excellent organizational culture based upon respect, open communication, and trust. I have no doubt that she will be successful and am happy that her monumental impact will be felt throughout precinct 4. She models servant leadership principles and is a very effective listener and produces great results. We will miss her at city hall but am happy for the leadership that she will bring to all of Rockwall County, specifically to precinct 4. She is truly one of the finest people that I have ever been professionally affiliated with”.