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Jones Elementary Student Council has busy October

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The Jones Elementary Student Council had a busy October! They started out recording a promotional video for the TEPSA’s Leaders R Us workshop. 

They then participated in TEPSA’s Leaders R’ Us workshop where they had the opportunity to learn leadership skills and work as a team. During the workshop, they had the honor to be featured as the winners of the 2019 Leaders’ Got Talent.

Additionally, in October, Jones Elementary Student Council members presented various mini lessons to younger students about diversity. Students K- 2nd grade learned the importance of appreciating our differences and embracing what makes them unique. These lessons included presentations by the Student Council members, followed by activities for the younger students that the StuCo members monitored.

Student Council members also delivered the mini lessons via Zoom to remote learners. During the 30-minute virtual lesson, students enjoyed a read aloud, a video and completed an activity about diversity. 

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