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Hamm Hero Council attends Leaders ‘R Us Workshop

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Hamm Hero Council members, which consists of 5th and 6th graders who were elected by the student body to serve as our student leaders, recently had the opportunity to participate in TEPSA’s Leaders ‘R Us virtual workshop.

The students spent the day engaged in various trainings, learning how to be servant leaders as they help to model navigating through a school year unlike any other for the rest of our Hamm Heroes. The theme of the workshop was “Brave Bold Leaders” and provided students the chance to dig deeper into what it means to be a true leader as members of the first Hero Council team at Hamm ES.

The students spent time collaborating with students and other school leaders across the state of Texas working on identifying their strengths and how to use these strengths together to grow stronger. They practiced how to positively respond to challenges and acknowledge that we all have various talents and strengths to bring to the table as a student leadership team. Each member of the Hero Council team was also asked to identify their own personal areas of weakness and then challenged to create a goal to rise up and face their weakness, as they step into their leadership roles this year.

As they closed out the workshop, the students were challenged to come up with a song that highlighted all of the components of the day’s work. Check out the lyrics they worked together to compose to the tune of Aretha Franklin’s R-E-S-P-E-C-T! 

L – E – A – D – E – R – S 

Find out what it means to us! 

L – E – A – D – E – R – S 

Taking care of business! 

What it takes 

Be bold and brave! 

What are we, 

Leaders every day! 

All we’re showin’ 

Is a whole lot of…courage 






And a voice! 

L – E – A – D – E – R – S 

Find out what it means to us! 

L – E – A – D – E – R – S 

Taking care of business! 

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