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Hamm Elementary Hold’s their first Virtual Hero Huddle

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Hamm Elementary family recently celebrated all of the amazing things accomplished throughout the first term by hosting their first Virtual Hero Huddle.

From celebrating the PTO fundraiser surpassing their goal and raising $16,255, to watching some of their favorite teachers get pied in the face, to honoring students for exemplifying character trait words, to spending time together as a class dancing and celebrating all fun memories that were made during the first term, the Hero Huddle was the perfect way to close out our first 9 weeks as a Hamm Fam.

One of the most special components of the Hero Huddle was taking time to honor the very first recipients of the Heart of Hamm Award. One student from each class was recognized for embracing the values of our Hero’s Promise. These students exemplified the qualities of what it means to be a Hamm Hero by being honest, kind and compassionate, striving to show excellence in all that is done, and looking for opportunities to serve others, while each and every day, taking true pride in being a Hamm Hero!

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