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Rockwall ISD announces phase one reopening plans

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Today Rockwall ISD announced to end the emergency closure and begin a phase one reopening plan bringing employees back to work effective June 1. The District will continue operations to the extent possible under health and safety guidelines in preparation for the 2020-2021 school year.

Employees will continue to be encouraged to work from home whenever possible but can also work from administrative offices as needed. All Rockwall ISD facilities will remain closed to the public during phase one. Pending ongoing information and in accordance with local, state and federal guidelines, Rockwall ISD facilities may be open to the public in phase two. Any staff returning to the office will be asked to comply with social distancing and other guidelines related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The public may continue to contact staff through email, voicemail messages, or through online survey communications on the District website at

Rockwall ISD Postpones Facilities Bond Committee Exploratory Work in Light of COVID-19

At the Rockwall ISD Board of Trustees Special Session today, the District recommended the suspension of the Facilities Bond Committee, a group comprised of parents, community members, and staff, that began meeting earlier this spring to develop a long-range facilities plan. The recommendation to suspend the committee’s work until further notice came in light of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on families, businesses, and the economy.

“We continue to see our student enrollment increase; however, we are also being sensitive to the current state of our community and economy as a result of the effects of COVID-19. Knowing that this pandemic situation is an ongoing event with very real consequences for families and businesses, the Facilities Bond Committee meetings will be postponed. We greatly appreciate the hard work of our committee thus far in helping to craft a comprehensive, long-term facilities plan needed to ensure we have the schools in place to accommodate the expected 22% increase in our student population over the next decade. As of now, we will monitor events with the hopes of reconvening the Facilities Bond Committee in the future,” said Rockwall ISD Superintendent John Villarreal.

Summer Athletic Youth Camps Closed Through Friday, July 10, 2020

Rockwall ISD summer athletic youth camps are cancelled through July 10, 2020. Information of possible future Rockwall ISD athletic youth camps will be released before Friday, July 10, 2020.

Athletic Facilities Remain Closed for Public

All Rockwall ISD facilities remain closed to the public due to COVID-19, including facility rentals and the aquatic center until further notice.

Limited Athletic Facilities Open Per UIL/TEA Guidelines for RISD Student-Athletes

In alignment with the University Interscholastic League (UIL) Summer Strength and Condition Sports Specific Training Guidelines, Rockwall ISD will limit athletic facility use, including the aquatics center, and student participation to Rockwall ISD student-athletes only. We will continue to monitor state, local, and governmental guidelines for future openings. Safety is our priority.

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