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Ozarka® Brand 100% Natural Spring Water creates drive-in film festival to celebrate the beauty of Texas

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Ozarka® Brand 100% Natural Spring Water, a natural spring water brand from Texas, announces the first-ever Ozarka®Brand Drive-In Film Festival, a unique experience celebrating the beauty of Texas and offering good old-fashioned fun for the community. 

Along with Dallas Film, Ozarka® will host the festival including local high school student films and a feature film presentation. Events will take place on select Fridays and Saturdays in October and November in Dallas (10/23 & 10/24), Austin (11/6 & 11/7) and Houston (11/13 & 11/14).  During special “Frontline Friday” screenings happening ahead of the public Saturday events, Ozarka® will be honoring frontline and essential workers from all over Texas.

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“At Ozarka, we value the spirit of community and are so happy to bring back the nostalgia of drive-in theaters where people can gather safely,” said EVP and Chief Marketing Officer Yumi Clevenger-Lee. “By showcasing famous Texas films in a fun community environment, we are excited for Texans to enjoy this long-standing pastime once again.”

To continue their efforts to support recycling in Texas, Ozarka® will donate $25,000to Keep Texas Beautiful. Recycling not only helps to keep plastic out of landfills and waterways, but it also can help transform existing materials into something new—like an Ozarka® bottle.  In fact, Ozarka® recently announced that it will use recycled plastic across its still water portfolio, including a line of 100% recycled & recyclable bottles. It’s all part of the brand’s efforts to celebrate, and help protect, the beauty of Texas.  

Dallas Film, the event organizer, selected Texas students from their Mercury One High School Film Labs program to create short films that will premiere ahead of the feature film at each drive-in festival. These films will focus on the beauty of Texas as well as the importance of recycling in Texas.

“I am truly honored, blessed and thankful to have been chosen by Dallas Film to be a part of this special film project to showcase the rich beauty and culture of Texas,” said Meredith Smith, Dallas Film high school filmmaker. “I am grateful for the opportunity to make all Texans aware of the Ozarka®commitment to our great state.”

“Dallas Film’s goal is to educate, train and empower the next generation of digital storytellers while creating opportunities for employment and exhibition of their work,” said Johnathan Brownlee, CEO and President of Dallas Film and Executive Director of The Dallas International Film Festival. “The support of Ozarka® helps us achieve our core goals and together we are educating the community on the importance of recycling.”

In conjunction with Wakefield Research, Ozarka® conducted a survey of more than 1,000 Texans, asking them to choose the movies that best exemplify the true spirit of Texas. The top results which will be shown at the drive-ins are Friday Night Lights on Fridays and The Rookie on Saturdays.

Attendees will have a chance to receive a premium Ozarka® goodie bag when they bring 10 empty plastic bottles to recycle on-site. Each goodie bag will include sought after movie concessions like popcorn and candy from local Texas companies. Fans can attend the event for free on a first come, first park basis at the following locations:

Frontline Friday– October 23rd
Movie Selection: Friday Night Lights (PG-13)

Public Event – Saturday, October 24th
Movie Selection: The Rookie (G)

  • Gates open at 6 p.m., presentation begins at 7:15 p.m.
  • Four Corners Brewery
  • 1311 S Ervay St, Dallas, TX 75215

Frontline Friday– November 6th
Movie Selection: Friday Night Lights (PG-13)

Public Event – Saturday, November 7th
Movie Selection: The Rookie (G)

  • Gates open at 6 p.m., presentation begins at 7 p.m.
  • Spiderwood Studios
  • 140 Utley Road, Elgin, TX 78621

Frontline Friday – November 13th
Movie Selection: Friday Night Lights (PG-13)

Public Event – Saturday, November 14th
Movie Selection: The Rookie (G)

  • Gates open at 6 p.m., presentation begins at 7 p.m.
  • DeLUXE Theatre
  • 3303 Lyons Ave, Houston, TX 77020

To learn more about the Ozarka® commitment to recycling in Texas as well as the drive-in film festival, please visit 

To learn more about the Ozarka® Drive-in Film Festival, please visit 

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