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This is a humanity issue: Our thoughts on current events

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I think we can all agree, 2020 has been a weird year and we’re not even halfway through it yet.

Now here we are at the end of May. The statewide orders that closed non-essential businesses are lifting and we are returning to a new normal. Things will never be the way they were pre-coronavirus. This will be in the history books our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will learn from.

We have endured a lot so far in 2020. And now here we are in May. Not even halfway through the year and something else has taken the limelight from COVID-19.

On May 25, officers in Minneapolis arrested George Floyd for attempting to use a counterfeit $20 bill.

During the arrest, Floyd was laid on the ground, face down, near the tire of the police vehicle.

The arresting officer, Derek Chauvin, placed his knee on Floyd’s neck; despite his pleas to the officers and other responding officers around him, Chauvin did not move.

Later, Floyd was pronounced dead.

Chauvin has since been arrested and charged with third degree murder and manslaughter.

That is murder in it’s simplest form.

The Rockwall Times does not condone, support or defend the actions of the law enforcement officers involved in the incident.

As a result, across the nation, protests have been organized. Even some right in our own backyard.

As a media company, we fully support the citizen’s rights to peacefully protest as the First Amendment blatantly allows.

However, these protests in many areas have turned into full on riots and looting. This is not something we do or will ever support.

This is not a political issue. This is not an economic issue. This is a humanity issue.

Both the Rockwall and Rowlett Police Departments have released statements on their stances about the ongoing situation; we felt the need to do the same.

As far as The Rockwall Times is concerned, ALL lives matter.

Thank you for choosing The Rockwall Times.

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