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Restrictions rolled back in Rockwall County after COVID-19 hospitalization capacity levels remain heightened

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COVID-19 hospitalization capacity in Rockwall County has exceeded 15% for 7 consecutive days. Under Governor Abbott’s orders, this triggers a roll back in restrictions including the reduction of restaurant capacity to 50%.

Non-essential medical surgeries and procedures must also halt, and other businesses with 50% occupancy limits now include gyms, retailers and office-based employers. Businesses affected by the roll back can return to 75% capacity when the number of COVID‑19 hospitalized patients is 15% or less for seven consecutive days.

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Stop the Spread
Please do your part to reduce this spike in the spread of the virus by wearing a mask and washing. Avoid gathering outside of your household, and watch your distance when you do leave home.

There are free State testing sites located at Lakepointe Church and Royse City High School. You can register for at The tests are oral swabs, and it should take 48-72 hours to get results, depending upon how many tests are being processed by the lab that day.

If you feel a business in Rockwall County is violating the current restrictions, you can report the issue to the City Code Enforcement.

Thank you for doing all that you can to help protect our community, and stay healthy and safe.

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