Via City of Rowlett:
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on us all. Especially hard-hit has been maintaining the critical blood supply throughout our region. Each day, six hundred patients in area hospitals require a blood transfusion and Carter BloodCare estimates that 1,000 donors are needed each day over the next four days to build back our community blood supply to acceptable levels.
You can help. Rowlett Ready, the City of Rowlett and the Carter BloodCare Center are hosting a blood drive at four Rowlett locations June 22-23, please consider making an appointment and donating at one of the following:
Monday, June 22
Fire Station 4 (6800 Rowlett Road)
Tom Thumb
Tuesday, June 23
Fire Station 4 (6800 Rowlett Road)
Rowlett Community Centre
Please call 1-800- DONATE4 for an appointment.