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Farmersville Police Chief on death of George Floyd: “I publicly condemn this murder”

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A message from Farmersville Police Chief Michael P. Sullivan:

I was sickened to watch this horrific act that resulted in the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25th, 2020. I can’t reconcile in my mind of why this officer seemingly didn’t have the wherewithal to see the damage he was inflicting and/or those officers watching or assisting that didn’t stop it or intervene. There will always be mitigating factors in every case but I don’t need to rely on them conclusively because the actions of the officer (as seen on video) so outweighed any responsible factor because none of it was based on general practice or training. Not one time in my 34 years in this profession have I personally applied or watched some’ one else apply a knee on some’ ones neck to gain control of a handcuffed suspect.

As a LE Professional I publicly condemn this murder. I condemn the fact other officers who were present didn’t stop it, and I truly believe that this is not a representation of the courageous and compassionate work that the other 800,000 Law Enforcement Officers around our country carry out day after day.

The Farmersville Police Department has always aspired to develop community relationships that foster trust, cultivate partnerships, understanding, and transparency with all whom we encounter. I also realize words like these may ring somewhat hollow based on the current circumstances we’re under. However, this has weighed heavy on my heart and discussing the incident with our officer’s, all have expressed the same outrage and sorrow for George Floyd and his family. WE can do better; we must do better.

No single incident should ever define the law enforcement profession; however, we must also be willing to publicly denounce any abuse of police authority and/or actions and uphold ourselves in a way that garners public trust. I want to thank our community who give us their confidence and trust each day as we carry out our duties to serve.


Michael P. Sullivan

Chief of Police

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