Last updated on March 23, 2020
SCAM ALERTS: We are aware that scammers are working hard to take advantage of the public during these challenging times. The following scams are being reported across the country:
🔺 Fake or non-existent test kits and vaccines are being offered in exchange for cash or medical record information. These offers have been made by telephone AND door-to-door. At this time, there is NO vaccine for the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
🔺 Phishing attacks in which emails sent from what appear to be health officials or national agencies like the CDC suggesting a link to be clicked or a PDF be downloaded to get information about local Coronavirus information. These links lead to a webpage designed to steal personal information, while the PDF’s, once downloaded, infect your computer with malware.
🔺 Home sanitizations for seniors that require pre-payment over the phone.
🔺 Charity scams claiming to help COVID-19 victims and their families, as well as investment schemes involving vaccination development.
🔺 While we understand that these uncertain times are difficult and anxiety is high, we urge you to stay diligent and protect yourself.
Please do not click on links or download attachments in emails that you were not expecting, regardless of the subject matter. DO NOT make any pre-payments for services or donations over the phone without first researching to ensure the company or charity IS legitimate.
Stay alert, and DO NOT become a victim!
Information courtesy of Collin County Sheriff’s Office