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Atmos Energy to Perform Routine Natural Gas Maintenance in Rockwall

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ROCKWALL, Texas – June 18, 2021 – Atmos Energy will perform routine maintenance resulting in the safe removal of natural gas on Monday, June 21, through Friday, July 2, each weekday from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the intersection of Discovery Boulevard and Derby Drive in Rockwall. Atmos Energy remains focused on its vision to be the safest provider of natural gas services, and this system modernization work demonstrates a continued investment in safety, innovation, environmental sustainability, and its communities.

Atmos Energy is committed to protecting and preserving the environment, and this routine maintenance will be completed using a zero emissions vacuum and compressor (ZEVAC) unit. ZEVAC is innovative technology that provides an emission-less solution, ensuring that natural gas is not burned or released into the atmosphere during this routine maintenance.

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Atmos Energy has advised city staff, public officials, 911 operators, and emergency responders.

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