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Madeleine Brennan awarded 2021 Sheri Stodghill Fowler B.E.S.T. Teacher of the Year

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The Winner of the 2021 Sheri Stodghill Fowler B.E.S.T. Teacher of the Year is Madeleine Brennan at Quest Academy.

“Madeleline has come in and swept Quest off of their feet,” said Quest Academy Principal Christina Bradford. “She is a brilliant teacher for our students and creates such an engaging classroom”

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This award is given to a first-year teacher that participated in the BEST (Beginning Educators…Successful Teacher) program. She will be recognized at the Teacher of the Year Drive-In April 30.

Her passion is contagious,” said Bradford. “Madeleine takes the time to build the relationships that allow her to reach the students and student success is the result. I have heard students say multiple times that she is the best teacher they have had. That in itself gives me validation that she is second to none.”

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