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Don’t Become a Victim of Property Fraud

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Rockwall, TX-Sept. 17, 2024 – Property fraud is a growing concern in Texas. County Clerk Jennifer Fogg encourages property owners in Rockwall County to sign up for Property Fraud Alert (PFA) for free. This program notifies individuals via text message, email or phone call when something is filed under their name. The notifications allow recipients to verify if the activity was initiated by them or by someone attempting to commit property fraud.

Sign up for the improved Property Fraud Alert program at:

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Then, follow these step-by-step instructions provided by County Clerk Fogg.

1. Click sign up.

2. Add Account details and please note that all fields with an asterisk are required. ****Please note that there is a requirement for a billing address.

3. Click save.

4. You will see a pop-up that indicates that you have been sent an account activation email.

5. Check your email.

6. Click the blue hyperlink “Verify email address for.”

7. You will then go to the home page which is the Records Public Access Webb, and you will click on home, or you will click on Fraud Notify.

8. Login.

9. Once you are logged in, you will click continue and you will need to set up your alerts as follows:

 A. To settle up alerts, you will go to where it says add fraud notify alerts.

 B. You will choose individual, or you will choose business.

 C. If you choose individual, you will add your first initial and your last name or your last name and your first initial.

 D. As an example, I added J Fogg and then I clicked, refined my alert, and added another one that is Fogg J and did the same for my spouse.

 E. Now you will click add alert, and it will move all of your requested alerts over underneath my alerts.

 F. Then click save once you have added all the alerts that you want to add at this time.

Please be sure to read the instructions at the top of the page regarding businesses and individual name tips.

Once you sign up, you will be taken to the Public Access Web Page where you can do the following:

1. Search Official Records and view, and purchase copies.

2. Complete a Marks and Brand Application (This is also available on my Marks and Brands page where you can file them electronically).

3. Search for Marks and Brands (This is also available on my Marks and Brands page where you can view all electronically filed brands).

4. Search for Assumed Names.

5. Search for a Marriage License.

6. Apply for a Marriage License.

7. Apply for an Informal Marriage License.

Contact the Rockwall County Clerk’s office at (972) 204-6300 if you have any questions.

Press Release: Don’t Become a Victim of Property Fraud

Submitted by: Jim Barto, Rockwall County Public Information

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