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Neighbors of Heath – Vega Family Feature

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This article was reproduced with permission from Michael Rohlf, Publisher, Neighbors of Heath, and written by Shannon Bennett. Cover photo by Heather Lanae Photography.

Corporate Leaders Turned Entrepreneurs with a Passion to Serve Others

Welcome to the beautiful month of May. A time where flowers are officially in bloom and the weather is getting warmer. May was always the time of year where we could start swimming in our unheated pool without freezing. The way the sun feels on your body as you lay out by the pool for the very first time of the season is refreshing and cozy like a warm blanket wrapped around you. This month is also quite special as we celebrate all the moms on Mother’s Day.

photo credit: Heather Lanae Photography

This month we have a very special mom to tell you more about in our feature story. Alicia Vega and her husband, David will be sharing their family story with us this month. I hope you enjoy getting to know more about this beautiful family. David will be telling us more about Alicia and their family.

David, can you tell us more about when you and Alicia met?

photo credit: Heather Lanae Photography

“When Alicia and I met it was love at first sight. It is too long of a story to share in this forum but suffice it to say as we rack up the decades together the feelings are as strong as ever. In fact, some of our friends tease us because they say we are so “lovey-dovey” with one another.”

David, that truly is a wonderful compliment paid to the two of you.  It sounds like you both have an amazing bond that goes beyond friendship and marriage.  How blessed are you both.

I understand you have some pretty wonderful kids; can you tell me all about them?

Vega family attending a wedding in San Antonio, Texas

“We have three wonderful children, and we are happy to report that our two oldest, debt-free college grads, are officially off the family payroll. Luci, our oldest, is in the Aerospace industry in Florida, while our younger daughter Monica serves in a philanthropic organization in California. Our son, David is a high school student at Rockwall-Heath. He is chasing his sisters’ positive paths as a National Honor Society member, Varsity Orchestra strings member, while studying piano and percussion with the School of Rock and marching toward his black belt in Taekwondo.”

When we talk about career, both you and Alicia have such impressive backgrounds that have led you to doing something pretty great in our community. What more can you tell me about that?

photo credit: Heather Lanae Photography

“Thank you.  I hold a Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management from the University of Texas at San Antonio. Alicia holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies from the University of Rhode Island. I mention this because our education has played a significant role in our business pursuits. I cut my teeth in financial services in one of the oldest and largest companies of its time in Cigna, after gaining business experience my next venture was the complete opposite in a technology start-up that led to great success, a brief period as an individual investor followed by a return to the corporate world gaining experience in the executive ranks.

Alicia has extensive experience as a former model, pageant director, life coach, and significant contributor in the Fintech space. All of this culminated in our decision to launch Rockwall Capital Group. Our purpose is to support our community by aiding small businesses. Our mission is to foster the development and prosperity of those businesses by helping them establish enduring legacies. Our vision, some would call it wide-eyed, is to promote economic empowerment to improve the overall well-being of everyone in our community.

We are early into this journey having launched in November of 2022, but we are confident in our path as we have made a variety of investments, recently acquired our first entity and to date have provided over $100,000 in free consulting services to roughly 50 local businesses.”

I understand your family is involved in quite a bit in the community.

Rockwall Area Chamber of Commerce – Rockwall Capital Group ribbon cutting ceremony.

“We are entrepreneurs, so we are very active in the business community such as the Rockwall Area Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Rockwall (class of 2024), and we keep busy as active investors. My wife and I also serve on several philanthropic entities as advisory and board members. Most recently the Greater Rockwall Youth Symphony, Boys Team Charity Lakeside League, and Rockwall-Heath High School Orchestra Booster Club.”

David, the positive impact you and Alicia are having to local businesses is an absolute blessing to the growth and success of our community.  Your service on boards where our youths and their futures are affected is equally important and appreciated more than you may know.

When you and Alicia are not working, what do you enjoy doing with your time?

“We are proud members of Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Rockwall. Music and art are passions close to our hearts, and despite recent performances, we hold allegiance to the Dallas Cowboys. Our household is filled with the joy of music every single day. Additionally, we are enthusiastic art collectors, having amassed a collection that includes masterpieces by renowned artists such as Dürer, Goya, Rembrandt, and Picasso, acquired through our travels and attendance at various art auctions.”

You are certainly not alone; the Dallas Cowboys are still “America’s Team” in many hearts around the globe.  

David, tell us more about your worldly travels.

Vega family in Hawaii

“We are avid travelers who are fortunate to have visited almost every state in the union inclusive of Alaska and Hawaii, and to date, we have visited almost a dozen countries with Japan and South Korea scheduled later this year. And while we were living abroad (and for a native Texan that means anywhere outside of Texas) we made an annual trek to San Antonio to spend time with family, sometimes drawing 50 or more guests at a time.”

I understand there is a special pet in the Vega household.

Bella Roose Vega

“Yes, our Bella Roose is an absolute delight, albeit a bit spoiled, two-year-old Aussiedoodle. Due to our extensive travel, for the better part of twenty years we held dual state residencies which was not conducive to having a pet. However, now that we have settled down in Heath our dear Bella has been a long-awaited addition to our life and family.”

Tell me more about your neighbors.

“We reside on a rural property with septic and no access to fiber optic internet service. However, the closest traditional community is Falcon Point, and we love our neighboring community.” 

“We love our immediate Heath and Rockwall neighbors and the broader Rockwall County. We moved to Rockwall County in 2021 and the community has been nothing but fantastic – welcoming, vibrant, and supportive.”  

Any message you would like to share with your neighbors and community?

“Wishing you all a wonderful life filled with smiles, laughter, and warmth. If you ever need a helping hand or simply want to say hello, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we make our neighborhood a great place to live.”

As we wrap up your family feature, are there any fun and/or interesting facts you would like to share with us?

“Alica and I were born and raised worlds apart. For her it was Rhode Island; for me San Antonio, Texas. We met in Florida but combined we have lived in 8 states and 15 cities in our lifetime. Which means we have been exposed to a variety of climates, cultures, and people of all walks of life. As a result, we have friends all over the country and a few outside the United States.”

Lastly, do you have a motto to live by?

Rockwall Area Chamber – Rockwall Capital Group ribbon cutting ceremony

“As you go, we go!” It is our company motto, but it has been a lifelong embrace in that we have always believed that as individuals we can only be as good as the broader community.”

Well, I knew I was in for a fabulous story with the Vega family. I felt as though I was on the many travels along the way with them. They have raised smart and successful kids, had amazing careers and are continuing to build successful businesses that not only foster success as entrepreneurs but for others in the community as well. Their service to Rockwall and surrounding communities are the very reason our city is vibrant and growing each day. I truly want to thank David and Alicia for allowing us to share their family and business with our readers. Great people truly do walk amongst us in each neighborhood and community space.

Have a wonderful start to your May. Wishing you greatness as you begin planning your summer vacations, reunions and simply time spent enjoying yourselves. Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms everywhere.

Special Thanks

This article was reproduced with permission from Michael Rohlf, Publisher, Neighbors of Heath, and written by Shannon Bennett. Cover photo by Heather Lanae Photography.

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