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Lisa Marek

Last updated on October 26, 2021

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Lisa Marek, Head Pickleball Pro, of Rockwall TX, passed away on October 23, 2021. Lisa died peacefully, with a margarita in hand, right after winning the Intergalactic Pickleball Open. Not really, but that is how we are going to tell her story. Even though her pickleball dream death evaded her, she did achieve her dream life.

On one of her many bargain hunting trips, armed with Groupon, Lisa encountered a sign that read “When my feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says oh crap, she’s up.” Lisa exclaimed “Mine” and her personal motto took form. Always adventurous, always singing and dancing (even when we really didn’t want her to). Gifting us with laughter and hugs. Even though Lou Grant didn’t like spunk, it is the word that truly encapsulates our Lisa. Her friends and family are crushed in a way that not even an essential oil can help. We will forever love Lisa.

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Lisa is survived by her husband that helped her live her most perfect life, Kevin Marek. Her parents, Jim and Carla Primus, who gave her the foundation to become the sparkle she was to all of us. Her brother Jake and his husband, Jeff (Cher impersonator extraordinaire). And other family members that she loved but this obituary costs $450 a word so, in true Lisa spirit, we’ve ruthlessly cut you. And, lastly, a gajillion friends who absolutely worshiped her.

Lisa was preceded in death most recently by her Grandma Agnes. In our minds, they are together today playing a ragingly competitive game of 500.

Like on Broadway when a beloved star has passed, the pickleball field lights will dim (known to everyone else as a funeral service) at 10:00 a.m. October 28, 2021, at Reflections at Rest Haven Funeral Home-Rockwall Location. We will be having an additional service at some point down the road for MN family and friends. Not in the winter because she would throat punch us for that.

Setting aside the humor that Lisa would have loved, she was one of the most caring, kind, giving, loving human beings we have had the privilege of knowing.

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