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Jones Elementary Student Council wins statewide competition

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The 5th grade members of the Jones Elementary Student Council attended a TEPSA’s Leaders ‘R’ Us Workshop in October 2019.  During the one-day workshop, students and their advisors learn to create a dynamic student leadership team. This energetic and engaging day is designed to enhance all leadership team models. 

At the conclusion of the day, each team is tasked with creating a song using the information they learned during the workshop and presenting it in a talent show with the possibility of their song and lyrics being chosen to represent the theme for the following school year.   

The Jones Student Council song was chosen as the winner our of 500 teams!

Their theme of “Bold and Brave” will be on the t-shirts and training models for all of the Leaders ‘R’ Us workshops for the 2020-2021 school year!

After winning, Gordon Holland said, “I can’t believe out of 500 teams, we won!” 

Camden Holton said, “it felt good to make a song that will motivate others to be leaders in the future.”

Kassidy Swanner mentioned Mrs. Batson, the Jones counselor. “Mrs. Batson has been there for us and we definitely couldn’t have done it without her! 

The Leaders ‘R’ Us Workshops have trained more than 38,000 Texas students to be successful leaders on their campuses since 1999.

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