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Counterfeit COVID-19, antibody testing kits becoming increasingly available in DFW area

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Counterfeit COVID-19 and antibody testing kits are now becoming increasingly available online and throughout the DFW area. The image in this post is an example of a fake at-home antibody test sold for $40 out of a New London, CT convenience store. Please be aware that legitimate tests are not available over the counter at any retail locations. All COVID-19 tests are operating under FDA Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA), so be wary of claims that a test is FDA-approved or -cleared. Additionally, a provider with an EUA for the PCR test (the test to confirm COVID-19) may not have an EUA for a serology test (for antibodies).

At-home COVID-19 testing:
Pixel by LabCorp is now offering at-home nasal swab test kits. This is the ONLY at-home COVID-19 test with an EUA from the FDA.
To order, go to and complete a short eligibility survey. If eligible, order and receive the kit via FedEx, collect and ship the sample, online results will be available approximately two days after LabCorp receives your test.
Patient Fact Sheet:

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Antibody testing:
There are currently NO approved at-home antibody tests. The counterfeit test kits are potentially dangerous, produced haphazardly, and may even be contaminated.
As of April 22, only four serology (antibody) tests have received an EUA. NONE are at-home tests.
For information on these tests, go to:

Please stay vigilant , valid up to date information is your best defense against these scammers. If you need a COVID-19 test or antibody test, call your doctor or visit one of the public test sites.
The Texas Department of State Health Services maintains a listing of these sites here:

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