Rockwall, Texas – April 14, 2020 – The City of Rockwall continues to provide its full range of services to residents while taking recommended precautions. The Rockwall Planning and Zoning Commission will modify the activities for their work session meeting on Tuesday, April 14. Consistent with Governor Abbott’s Executive Order and CDC recommended guidelines for social distancing, the City of Rockwall is offering alternative ways for applicants and the public to participate in open meetings. For tonight’s work session, applicants and citizens will participate via audio only, and commissioners and staff will participate and can be viewed via Zoom video.
SUBMIT COMMENTS VIA EMAIL Citizens are encouraged to submit public forum comments at least 30 minutes in advance of the meeting by emailing them to [email protected]. Please include your name and address when submitting comments. Also, please be concise and limit your comments so that it may be read within three (3) minutes.
CITIZENS WATCHING THE MEETING The public may watch the meeting live online by visiting the following link:
NOTE: Please do not try to watch the meeting live and participate via ZOOM at the same time. There is a timing difference between the two streams. If you feel you need to watch live and also participate (as an applicant only) in the meeting via ZOOM, please mute the live stream audio (as it is delayed compared to ZOOM).
APPLICANTS PARTICIPATING IN THE MEETING Applicants that wish to participate in the meeting virtually by joining with ZOOM audio, either via a computer, mobile device, and or telephone should follow the following instructions:
(1) Register in advance to participate in the Planning and Zoning Commission Work Session meeting at this link:
(2) After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Alternatively, you can join via telephone at: US: (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799
Webinar ID: 334-916-504
NOTE: Press *9 to request to speak or to cancel your request. You will be acknowledged to provide comments during the meeting.
SPECIAL NOTES: Only the two-way ‘audio’ feature of ZOOM will be utilized during the meeting. No ZOOM video will be used for applicants. If you are watching remotely via the live stream, please note there is a seven (7) second delay, whereas, ZOOM is in real time.