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City of Rowlett to hold COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall Facebook Live Event March 16

Last updated on March 23, 2020

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The City of Rowlett is hosting a Facebook Live virtual town hall to provide factual information and answer your questions about the coronavirus (COVID-19), the City’s actions including the Disaster Declaration, and how this impacts our residents, businesses, churches and other places we all gather.

Mayor Tammy Dana-Bashian, City Manager Brian Funderburk, Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator Ed Balderas, and Garland Health Authority’s Public Health Manager Diana Beeler will provide up-to-the-minute information and then take your questions via Facebook Live on their Facebook page.

“As we learn more about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and continue to make adaptations to mitigate its effect on our community, there’s no doubt that the next few weeks will hold challenges for us all. It is imperative that we continue to unify against the rapid spread of this virus – and this is an area in which we know the Rowlett community will succeed. For no community has the ability to come together during trying times quite like Rowlett,” the city said in a release.

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