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Just. Be. Kind. They can’t find toilet paper either.

Last updated on March 23, 2020

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Hello Rockwall. So, we meet again.

Over the last week or so, I have had something that have I wanted, no, needed to get off of my chest. The thing was I wasn’t sure just how or what angle I wanted to take it from. Angle, you know that’s journalist talk for how to lay it all out on the table.

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One of my own personal neighbors, an elderly lady who my husband and I have become friends with mentioned that she was down to her last roll and a half of toilet paper. Thankfully, we had just purchased a pack right before everything hit the fan.

Yesterday, for our afternoon walk, we joined her and her dog. We had plenty of toilet paper so we gave her a couple rolls. She lives alone and we had an opportunity to pay it forward, so we did.

I don’t say this to toot my own horn, but it made me realize something.

We’re all in this together. (Now THAT song is stuck in my head.) None of us have any more access to toilet paper than the next guy. We have to work together to get through this.

I have seen reports of stores that aren’t limiting the number of packages of toilet paper and people are piling their baskets high. For one, that’s not even necessary. When this is all said and done, you’ll probably just TP your neighbor’s house with it anyway because you’re tired of staring at it in your garage.

Here’s the other thing that spawned this thought. A couple days ago, I watched an elected official call out a single small business owner (on social media no less) for keeping his business open. Mind you, this was before the statewide mandate that all restaurants to stick to to-go and delivery only. He had no orders on the city, county or state level that restricted him from closing.

After the comments went just as you would expect, there was a follow up post, you can read it below. The original post has since been deleted.

We’re all in this together RoCo! There is a light at the end of the corona…I mean tunnel. We will have toilet paper and hand sanitizer again.

In the meantime, you do your part and with clean hands, literally and metaphorically, we’ll get through this together.

I’ll leave you on a little lighter note with this catchy tune that seems as relevant as it could ever be. This is a PSA from Vietnam. There is also a viral TikTok challenge associated with the song. A compilation of those is also below.

Until we meet again, stay safe and STAY HOME!

Stay tuned to The Rockwall Times for any and all updates as the situation is changing hourly!

Here is a playlist we have put together for you to get through the quarantine!

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